
Defeating detection through the Ruthless use of technology


Defeating detection through the Ruthless use of technology

Warfare is changing…

Yesterdays rifleman is todays drone operator. As technology hits the battle-space at scale the selection of targets, once done by the human eye, is now being carried out by drones, computer vision, and cameras of all types

…and that is perpetual

The same way that software is updated on your phone, targeting systems are updated to be more and more accurate. Just because you werent seen yesterday- doesn't mean you will be so lucky today.

So, what do we do about that?

We use the tech
against itself.

By creating an Ai model that is trained on what the cameras see we are able to create camouflage that defeats automated systems and human observers through cameras alike.

Then we apply that
to the real world

As the technology changes- we can too. By using ultra removable films we can camouflage anything from trucks to buildings and shipping containers in hours. That camouflage can stay in place for years or be changed weekly.

And how do we know it works?

Because it is made for
your specific enviroment

Be it drones, satellites, people on foot, or other threats- our technology can visualize how your camo will look in your environment through the eyes of your adversary, before its ever applied.

So, want a little extra peace of mind?



© Cloke.Ai 2025


© Cloke.Ai 2025



Defeating detection through the Ruthless use of technology


Defeating detection through the Ruthless use of technology

Warfare is changing…

Yesterdays rifleman is todays drone operator. As technology hits the battle-space at scale the selection of targets, once done by the human eye, is now being carried out by drones, computer vision, and cameras of all types

…and that is perpetual

The same way that software is updated on your phone, targeting systems are updated to be more and more accurate. Just because you werent seen yesterday- doesn't mean you will be so lucky today.

So, what do we do about that?

We use the tech
against itself.

By creating an Ai model that is trained on what the cameras see we are able to create camouflage that defeats automated systems and human observers through cameras alike.

Then we apply that
to the real world

As the technology changes- we can too. By using ultra removable films we can camouflage anything from trucks to buildings and shipping containers in hours. That camouflage can stay in place for years or be changed weekly.

And how do we know it works?

Because it is made for
your specific enviroment

Be it drones, satellites, people on foot, or other threats- our technology can visualize how your camo will look in your environment through the eyes of your adversary, before its ever applied.

So, want a little extra peace of mind?



© Cloke.Ai 2025


© Cloke.Ai 2025



Defeating detection through the Ruthless use of technology

Warfare is changing…

Yesterdays rifleman is todays drone operator. As technology hits the battle-space at scale the selection of targets, once done by the human eye, is now being carried out by drones, computer vision, and cameras of all types

…and that is perpetual

The same way that software is updated on your phone, targeting systems are updated to be more and more accurate. Just because you werent seen yesterday- doesn't mean you will be so lucky today.

So, what do we do about that?

We use the tech
against itself.

By creating an Ai model that is trained on what the cameras see we are able to create camouflage that defeats automated systems and human observers through cameras alike.

Then we apply that
to the real world

As the technology changes- we can too. By using ultra removable films we can camouflage anything from trucks to buildings and shipping containers in hours. That camouflage can stay in place for years or be changed weekly.

And how do we know it works?

Because it is made for
your specific enviroment

Be it drones, satellites, people on foot, or other threats- our technology can visualize how your camo will look in your environment through the eyes of your adversary, before its ever applied.

So, want a little extra peace of mind?


© Cloke.Ai 2025